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Zaproszenie dla pisarzy na rezydencję w Słowenii

Zaproszenie dla pisarzy na rezydencję w Słowenii

Stowarzyszenie Slovene Writer’s zaprasza maksymalnie 10 autorów, w tym zarówno pisarzy, jak i tłumaczy literatury z języka słoweńskiego na język obcy, do udziału w czterotygodniowej rezydencji w Lublanie w Słowenii.

Stowarzyszenie Slovene Writer’s jest liderem projektu realizowanego w ramach programu Creative Europe pt. „Sharing the Wor(l)d”. Trzy festiwale realizowane dzięki projektowi – Vilenica Festival w Słowenii, Festival of World Literature w Chorwacji i Cúirt Festival w Irlandii – mają zachęcić do czytania i wpłynąć na wzrost liczby czytelników. Wśród działań kulturalnych zaplanowano zbiorowe czytanie literatury oraz wymianę doświadczeń. Festiwale literackie dostosowują się do współczesnych technologii, wykorzystując ich potencjał do rozwoju czytelnictwa.

Stowarzyszenie Slovene Writer’s to organizacja stworzona dla słoweńskich pisarzy. Jej celem jest powiększanie grona słoweńskich autorów, ich reprezentowanie, wsparcie oraz zachęcanie do swobody tworzenia słoweńskiej literatury. Od 1986 roku organizują ważne dla Europy centralnej wydarzenie – Vilenica International Literary Festival.

Zainteresowanych zachęcamy do zapoznania się z poniższymi informacjami na temat możliwości uczestniczenia w rezydencji!


Organisation founded in 1872, residence programme since 2015

Disciplines: Literature, literary translation

Location: Praprotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Duration: 4 weeks

Paid by organizer: Studio, apartment accommodation

Paid by resident: Travel and living expenses, accident and health insurance

Deadline: 30.10.2016

Location, Premises and Equipment

The Dane Zajc Writers’ Studio is located in Praprotnikova Street (Praprotnikova ulica) in Ljubljana, a 10-minute walk from the city centre. In this apartment Dane Zajc was living and working for some years at the end of his life – so the residence features many testimonies to his life (e.g. paintings he was receiving as gifts, furniture he used, some personal objects). The residence measures 48, 70 square metres, it has two bedrooms and a kitchen, a bathroom and an enclosed glass balcony. The smaller bedroom has a bed, a desk, and a cupboard, while the larger one contains a “reading corner” and leads to the balcony. In each bedroom there are bookcases stocked with translations of Slovenian authors and with books that have been left there by other residence guests. The apartment has a wireless network (data transfer 50GB/month), a kitchen with basic utensils for cooking, a washing machine and an iron. A cleaning service of the studio apartment after the resident leaves and a change of bed‐linen and towels are provided.

Program description

The residency programme is addressed to writers with at least two published works, as well as literary translators who have completed their training and have published at least two literary translations (students are not eligible). Translators are only eligible if they translate Slovenian literature into a foreign language.

The Slovene Writers’ Association invites a maximum of 10 authors each year to work 4 weeks in the studio apartment in Ljubljana for the year 2017.

Application Documentation

The following documents are required:
– A short version of your CV, including a detailed list of your publications or translations.
– A short written project proposal (not more than one 1 DIN A4 page) including information on preferred month of Residence and two alternative time slots.

Applications must be submitted by regular post or email before 30.10.2016 (date of postmark) to:

Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Slovene Writers’ Association)
Tomšičeva 12
1000 Ljubljana

Email address: [email protected]

The submission must be clearly marked “Artist in Residence in Ljubljana/Slovenia 2017”.
All complete application will be considered. The applicants will be informed about the outcome by 1.12.2016.

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