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Urban Boat

Organizacja / Organisation Urban Boat Kraj / Country Francja / France (FR) Strona internetowa / Website Kontakt / Contact Alexia Balindjian
[email protected]
+33 6 38 29 74 02
Obszar grantowy / Scheme Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej / European Cooperation Projects Dziedzina / Field Włączanie społeczne / Social Inclusion
Projekty interdyscyplinarne / Interdisciplinary projects
Rzeźba / Sculpture
Sztuki wizualne / Visual arts
Sztuki Performatywne / Performative Arts
Taniec / Dance
Teatr / Theatre
Rola w projekcie / Project role Leader


Our project is based on the observation that Belgium has many music groups featuring artists with disabilities (Choolers Division, Chevalier Surprise, Wild Classical Music Ensemble, etc.). These groups stand out for their high musical quality and highlight the talents of artists with disabilities, especially those with intellectual disabilities. This made us wonder: why do so many of these groups emerge in Belgium? After co-organizing a festival (IN.OUT.SIDER festival, Brussels) on this topic for the last three years and hosting several roundtable discussions and professional meetings, we found that these groups often come from collaborations between artists or collectives and care centers that host people with disabilities. When the right environment is provided, and creativity can flow freely—especially through alternative and raw music practices—the talent of these individuals can be fully expressed, resulting in bands with rare energy and quality.

Our project aims to explore different artistic practices across European centers, study how these centers can evolve to better support and highlight the abilities of people with disabilities, and, most importantly, encourage connections (which we hope will last after the project) between artists or collectives and these centers. The goal is to present art as a genuine opportunity for "work" or, at the very least, as an activity that can positively impact individuals with disabilities, enhancing the quality of these practices. Additionally, we aim to create real artistic collaborations and encourage the emergence of new inclusive musical bands, which remain far too few outside Belgium.

We are still in the planning and reflection stage and would love to connect with day centers, hospital facilities, or other care institutions interested in bringing alternative artistic practices into their spaces. We are also eager to meet artists or collectives who are open to experimenting and working with people with disabilities.


In the footsteps of Urban Spree, a multidisciplinary space located in Berlin dedicated to urban cultures and music, Urban Boat is a barge conceived as a unique itinerant cultural and artistic tool. Featuring a floating outdoor stage powered entirely by solar energy, Urban Boat can host concerts, performances, and screenings. With its numerous cabins, it provides a spacious workspace and a sound creation studio. It is not only a distinctive venue for artistic residencies but also a place for artistic creation.

Data publikacji: 14/02/2025
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