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The County Library ”Duiliu Zamfirescu” Vrancea

Organizacja / Organisation The County Library ”Duiliu Zamfirescu” Vrancea Kraj / Country Rumunia / Romania (RO) Strona internetowa / Website Kontakt / Contact Diana Rădună
[email protected]
Obszar grantowy / Scheme Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej / European Cooperation Projects Dziedzina / Field Dziedzictwo / Heritage Termin zgłoszenia się do projektu / Deadline for participation in a project 01.10.2024 Rola w projekcie / Project role Partner

Aims: The mission of the Vrancea County Library is to facilitate free and non-discriminatory access to fundamental cultural rights, serving as a community and cultural hub. Using
innovation and integrated programs of public services, for an educated, healthy and happy population.
Activities: Presentation of local editorial literature, foreign languages clubs, seniors theatre club, IT initializing for seniors, painting and lecture club for children, storytelling and donating  books for the community, volunteers trainings and activities

Data publikacji: 07/06/2024
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