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Wyszukiwarka partnerów

OCRE, Mozota, Zaragoza

Organizacja / Organisation OCRE, Mozota, Zaragoza Kraj / Country Hiszpania / Spain (ES) Strona internetowa / Website Kontakt / Contact Victor Domìnguez,
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Obszar grantowy / Scheme Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej / European Cooperation Projects Dziedzina / Field Technologia/ Technology
Włączanie społeczne / Social Inclusion
Zrównoważona turystyka kulturowa
Dziedzictwo / Heritage
Projekty interdyscyplinarne / Interdisciplinary projects
Sztuki wizualne / Visual arts
Sztuki Performatywne / Performative Arts
Termin zgłoszenia się do projektu / Deadline for participation in a project 11.01.2025 Rola w projekcie / Project role Partner


Performing arts, cultural heritage, visual arts, arts andtechnology, cultural events and festivals organization and management, presentation of traditional and contemporary arts, programs, organization of cultural exhibitions, cultural and heritage education programs, environmental and natural heritage conservation.


OCRE is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and promoting cultural and artistic projects in rural areas, particularly in low-population regions of Aragón, Spain. Their primary aim is to enhance access to culture as a fundamental right in these peripheral areas. They achieve this by offering a variety of cultural activities, including music, film, and dance festivals and events, alongside research and development efforts that highlight local heritage. OCRE works to transform the local economy, promote growth, and foster social and territorial cohesion.

Their multidisciplinary team of cultural professionals is committed to creating sustainable, innovative, and egalitarian cultural spaces that respect and preserve the rural identity of each community.

In terms of repertory performance, OCRE's activities align with their broader mission to invigorate rural economies and improve living conditions in these areas. They focus on showcasing traditional crafts, local artisanal practices, and cultural heritage, while also promoting the region's unique gastronomic and natural offerings. Through these efforts, OCRE not only seeks to preserve and transmit cultural values and local identity but also aims to create new cultural industries that can support long-term economic growth. Their repertory performances are designed to strengthen the region's image, increase its cultural visibility, and contribute to the sustainable development of the local tourism industry.

Data publikacji: 11/02/2025
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