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Nuits des Forêts

Organizacja / Organisation Nuits des Forêts Kraj / Country Francja / France (FR) Strona internetowa / Website Kontakt / Contact Adèle Scheuer-Rothan [email protected]
Clara Anguenot [email protected]
Obszar grantowy / Scheme Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej / European Cooperation Projects Dziedzina / Field Ekologia / Ecology
Sztuki Performatywne / Performative Arts
Termin zgłoszenia się do projektu / Deadline for participation in a project 20.01.2025 Rola w projekcie / Project role Partner


The project aims to collect stories related to emotions regarding the evolution of forestry landscapes in Europe, using a sensitive and multidisciplinary approach that includes art, sciences, and human sciences. The idea is to explore a process of collective creation and the gathering of stories from citizens, artists, researchers, and forestry professionals on a shared topic. We are particularly interested in exploring the transformation of forests. Forests are changing due to fires, forestry practices, diseases, and conservation efforts. As inhabitants of these areas, we are deeply affected by these changes. Some of us may even experience solastalgia. What kinds of testimonies can we offer about these changes? How do these stories transcend borders? How do our artistic, scientific, and citizen perspectives shift or align from one country to another?

The goal is to create collective and sensitive stories about forests that transcend national borders. The project seeks to connect multiple fields: concerns about forests, art, and citizen engagement. This project on "stories about forestry landscapes" could take various forms, including art creation, workshops, conferences, discussions with artists, local environmental NGOs, scientific researchers, forestry professionals, and citizens, or even performances.


Created in 2021, Nuits des Forêts (which translates to “Forests Nights”) aims to raise public awareness about forestry issues in the context of climate change. Our association initiates and participates in several actions to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, with the goal of contributing to a new societal project for forests by reconnecting people with the living world. In over 200 French forests, Nuits des Forêts coordinates and organizes France's first national-scale festival dedicated to forests, combining educational activities with an artistic program. By bringing together a wide variety of actors and promoting dialogue between forests, art, and citizens, Nuits des Forêts seeks to promote new balances between humans and the living world at the local level, fostering the emergence of new collective narratives.

Data publikacji: 11/02/2025
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