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European Choral Association – Europa Cantat

ECA-EC European Choral Association - Europa Cantat

Lider projektu European Choral Association - Europa Cantat Kwota dofinansowania 250.000,00 EUR Rok dofinansowania 2017 Schemat dofinansowania Sieci europejskie Strona internetowa

ECA-EC is a network of organisations, choirs and individuals in the field of collective singing in Europe. Through its membership, it directly represents more than 2.5 million singers, conductors, composers and managers in over 40 European countries and reaches out to more than 37 million people in continental Europe who are active in the field of collective singing.

The European Choral Association – Europa Cantat is the result of a merger between two European choral associations in 2011.

Since 1955, the association’s aims have been to foster cooperation and mutual understanding between cultures, nations and individuals across social and political borders, to promote collective singing as a tool for education and community building, and to represent the interests of the singing community.


The project “Upgrade – Connect – Reach out: Raising Awareness for Collective Singing in Europe” was built on the 2014-2017 strategy with the following 5 strategic objectives: strengthen the network / facilitate peer-to-peer approach / invest in capacity-building and training / reach out / raise awareness.

Developed in cooperation with members, the project aims at strengthening the network and its membership, connecting to other players in the field of collective singing as well as reaching out to people who do not sing (yet) and promoting the value of European cooperation.

Concretely the association will offer capacity building, develop new (digital) tools, support the internationalisation of activities, involve more (professional) individuals, increase cooperation within and outside the sector and enlarge the geographical scope of the network. The project will also include a campaign on the benefits of singing based on research.

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