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ETC – European Theatre Convention

ETC - European Theatre Convention

Lider projektu European Theatre Convention Kwota dofinansowania 250 000,00 EUR Rok dofinansowania 2017 Schemat dofinansowania Sieci europejskie Strona internetowa

Europejska sieć teatrów publicznych zrzesza 40 instytucji z ponad 20 krajów. Promuje europejski teatr jako przestrzeń dialogu, interakcji, refleksji oraz angażowania publiczności w działania. Jej głównym celem jest wzmocnienie roli teatru jako nośnika społecznego, językowego i kulturowego dziedzictwa Europy oraz budowanie partnerstw na rzecz rozwoju teatru poprzez realizację przedsięwzięć teatralnych, wymianę dobrych praktyk i współpracę środowiska twórców teatru. Sieć działa również na rzecz dostosowania teatru do zmiany cyfrowej i wykorzystania technologii cyfrowych w budowaniu publiczności.

Do sieci należy Teatr im. Jana Kochanowskiego.

With more than 40 members from over 20 European countries, the European Theatre Convention is Europe’s largest network of public theatres.

The ETC actively promotes artistic collaboration between its member theatres whether by devising innovative new projects or by supporting the creative international cooperation processes between members in areas like participatory theatre, youth engagement and new digital initiatives in theatre.The ETC offers its members an international networking community, including access to ETC performance and staff exchange programmes, artist residencies, professional development programmes and twice yearly international conferences.

The network is a leading voice for the needs and concerns of the theatre community at all levels of government. It promotes the visibility of the theatre sector at European and international levels and represents its members in European cultural partnerships.


“ENGAGE” is the ETC’s ground-breaking four-year project to champion, foster and develop theatre suitable for a fast-changing world and shifting audience needs. This includes both how one can create stories in the digital age for live performing arts in Europe and beyond, how one can empower artists and creative professionals, audiences and communities and, finally, empower theatres and the wider creative sector.

The five pillars of the ENGAGE programme are: critical thinking through theatre, participatory theatre, theatre in the digital age, a professional development programme for theatre-makers and empowering the ETC network for growth and sustainability.

ENGAGE features a number of diverse activities including “On Stage 2018 – a European festival of the performing arts” as part of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the “Our Stage Festival” of participatory theatre in 2019, the “Young Europe III” documentary-based theatre festival in 2020, a new artists’ residency for theatre directors and the development of a central database for theatre professionals.

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