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CAE – Culture Action Europe

CAE - Culture Action Europe

Lider projektu Culture Action Europe AISBL Kwota dofinansowania 250.000,00 EUR Rok dofinansowania 2017 Schemat dofinansowania Sieci europejskie Strona internetowa

Paneuropejska sieć organizacji i instytucji kultury działająca na rzecz promocji kultury jako niezbędnego warunku zrównoważonego rozwoju zarówno na poziomie lokalnym, jak i europejskim. Sieć ma charakter przekrojowy i międzysektorowy – zrzesza podmioty ze wszystkich dziedzin kultury i sztuki. Dzięki temu Culture Action Europe reprezentuje cały sektor w działaniach na rzecz zwiększania dostępu do sztuki i uczestnictwa w kulturze jako podstawowych praw każdego obywatela, w tym działaniach zmierzających do zmian w polityce kulturalnej i zwiększania nakładów publicznych na kulturę i sztukę.

Sieć Culture Action Europe współtworzą Instytut Kultury Miejskiej oraz Małopolski Instytut Kultury.

Culture Action Europe (CAE) is the major European network of cultural networks, organisations, artists, activists, academics and policymakers. CAE is the first port of call for informed opinion and debate about arts and cultural policy in the EU. As the only intersectoral network, it brings together all practices in culture, from the performing arts to literature, the visual arts, design and cross-arts initiatives, to community centres and activist groups.

CAE believes in the value and values of culture and its contribution to the development of sustainable and inclusive societies.

Our mission is to advocate the arts and culture as a fundamental building block of the common future of Europe and beyond. Our network enables us to research the multiple natures of cultural practices, to interact and mediate in order to ease effective policy-level communications and to share our collective knowledge and expertise.

We dream of a time when culture is central to inclusive, plural, open and sharing societies.


The future of Europe and our societies is being created now. Culture can positively contribute to its success. Culture Action Europe initiates a number of activities that include cross-sectoral conferences and workshops, online debates and offline high level panels. CAE explores, aggregates and disseminates cross-sectoral knowledge, building the capacity of cultural operators and advocating for a better cultural policy for EU citizens and the cultural sector. We foster cross-sectoral exchange amongst cultural networks and operators at a European level to encourage transnational cooperation. The organisation advocates for the value and values of culture for society, institutions and organisations in and beyond the cultural sector. On a local level, CAE encourages cities to develop inclusive and sustainable cultural policies and helps to foster closer collaboration between local authorities and cultural stakeholders.

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