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Limited Liability Compane Goldberry

Organizacja / Organisation Limited Liability Compane Goldberry Kraj / Country Ukraina / Ukraine (UA) Strona internetowa / Website Kontakt / Contact Andriy Shulgin
[email protected]
+380 67 401 52 82
Obszar grantowy / Scheme Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej / European Cooperation Projects Dziedzina / Field Technologia/ Technology
Edukacja / Education
Edukacja medialna / Media literacy
Termin zgłoszenia się do projektu / Deadline for participation in a project 15.02.2025 Rola w projekcie / Project role Partner


In the age of information chaos, Ukraine faces a critical challenge—protecting its citizens from the dangers of manipulation and disinformation. Older generations, the ones who fought for Ukraine’s independence, now find themselves on the frontline of an information war. Their vulnerability not only threatens their personal well-being but also undermines national security and social cohesion. "Mediawisdom" is a media initiative aimed at improving media literacy among Ukrainians aged 55 and older, empowering them to critically analyze information, recognize manipulative techniques, and protect themselves and their communities from disinformation.


Data publikacji: 18/02/2025
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