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CentreStage Malta

Organizacja / Organisation CentreStage Malta Kraj / Country Malta / Malta (MT) Strona internetowa / Website Kontakt / Contact Ms Tiziana Calleja
[email protected]
Obszar grantowy / Scheme Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej / European Cooperation Projects Dziedzina / Field Edukacja / Education
Muzyka / Music
Taniec / Dance
Teatr / Theatre
Termin naboru / Deadline 11.09.2024


The project focuses on sharing experiences and best practices by organizing intensive workshops in Musical Theatre, Dance, and Acting. The program will run for two years and aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the performing arts while fostering practical skills and historical knowledge.

The first phase of the project will involve gathering tutors from diverse artistic backgrounds and sending them abroad. Over five days, these tutors will meet with their counterparts in the host countries and participate in workshops where they will exchange techniques and skills. These daily, five-hour workshops will help the tutors gain insights into different cultures, methods, and perspectives.

After this initial phase, the project moves into the second part, where students passionate about the arts, musical theatre, and performing arts will have the opportunity to travel abroad and attend workshops led by the tutors who have undergone the earlier training. These workshops will also span five days. During this time, students will have various tasks, both in the studio and in the community, where they will explore and learn about the culture and history of the city. The students will then incorporate their observations from these explorations into their workshop sessions, sharing their insights with the group and collaboratively building the learning experience under the guidance of their tutors.


Centrestage Malta is a performing arts school which knows its basis in musical theatre. It started off in Summer 2010 during a Musical Theatre workshop led by Tiziana Calleja. The workshop ended with a performance showcasing musical hits, entitled ‘GLEE!’ This first performance was a success and gave initiative to the group to look beyond that point and take their skills a step forward.

From then on, Centrestage came into action. Workshops are regularly held between the group itself so as to strengthen performing skills. Working on stamina, breathing, voice, ear training and rehearsing with fast pace proves the groups’ abilities and dedication. Hard work and concentration is required, and despite the fact that all members have different lifestyles; with some still being students, and others having full-time jobs to attend to; Centrestage has been kept going by the new opportunities which arise from time to time.

Data publikacji: 11/02/2025
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