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Wyszukiwarka partnerów


Organizacja / Organisation MolinoLab Kraj / Country Hiszpania / Spain (ES) Strona internetowa / Website Kontakt / Contact Fernando Fernández
[email protected],
Obszar grantowy / Scheme Projekty Współpracy Europejskiej / European Cooperation Projects Dziedzina / Field Muzyka / Music
Sztuki Performatywne / Performative Arts
Taniec / Dance
Rola w projekcie / Project role Partner


We are looking for projects related to Performing arts, Music, Arts and technology, Cultural heritage, Visual arts and cross-sectoral strand.


Molinolab tries to generate a rural space for collaborative creation and experimentation where to develop projects and  share knowledge (trainings and workshops) around different  areas of work:
Visual arts and Technology - Applied to artistic projects as well as to the care of nature
Analog and electronic music
Self-building, restoration and bio-construction
Regenerative agriculture
Handcrafts - Textile recycling, natural remedies and cosmetics

Data publikacji: 14/12/2022
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