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FEST – Federation for European Storytelling

FEST - Federation for European Storytelling

Lider projektu Federation for European Storytelling Kwota dofinansowania 196 816,00 EUR Rok dofinansowania 2017 Schemat dofinansowania Sieci europejskie Strona internetowa

Federacja na rzecz Europejskiej Sztuki Opowiadania Historii zrzesza 75 organizacji członkowskich z 24 krajów, działających w obszarze storytellingu. Celem działania sieci jest rozwój umiejętności w tym zakresie, wymiana dobrych praktyk, wsparcie uznawalności storytellingu jako profesjonalnej sztuki performansu, budowanie publiczności oraz wsparcie mobilności opowiadaczy historii.

Do sieci należy Grupa Studnia O. Opowiadacze Stowarzyszenia.

The Federation for European Storytelling (FEST) is a European network of organisations and associations active in the field of storytelling.

Storytelling is an ancient art, a primeval art, the basis of all communication, imagination and creativity. Everyone has a story to tell. FEST wants to enhance the visibility and the recognition of storytelling as a performing art. The network contributes to a European approach to the professional development of storytellers and the use of storytelling techniques in different sectors of society: community work, work with immigrants and refugees, the socio-cultural sector, education and heritage.

The network also works to encourage more European storytelling events and to foster transnational cooperation in this sector.


FEST promotes and supports local storytelling initiatives such as festivals, training sessions, workshops, conferences and performances organised by its members across Europe. Through these, FEST adds a European dimension to these events, offers international mobility to artists and helps to share and spread expertise.

In the coming years, special attention will go to initiatives and activities promoting storytelling as an intangible oral heritage (stories, local legends etc.) and as a tool for the disclosure and dissemination of heritage, in a narrative approach to interpreting heritage. FEST will also support co-creative initiatives with other performing arts like music, visual art and digital art, and will engage in existing European initiatives such as European Cultural Capitals.

The network will also engage in sharing European good practices for training, in curriculum development and in making links with formal education.


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