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Nowy Europejski plan działań na rzecz kultury – konsultacje z interesariuszami (NAGRANIE)

Nowy Europejski plan działań na rzecz kultury – konsultacje z interesariuszami (NAGRANIE)

19 lutego br. w Brukseli odbyło się spotkanie interesariuszy dotyczące nowego Europejskiego planu działań na rzecz kultury (The New European Agenda for Culture). Spotkanie jest częścią działań służących wzmocnieniu dialogu z organizacjami z sektora kultury, do których zobowiązana jest Komisja Europejska.

Zachęcamy do obejrzenia nagrania ze spotkania, które dostępne jest na stronie Komisji Europejskiej. Poniżej można znaleźć plan spotkania.


Konsultacje z interesariuszami – Plan spotkania (EN)
Część I
10:30 Introduction by Jens Nymand Christensen, Acting Director General, EC DG Education & Culture, setting out the aim of the meeting
The European Agenda for Culture delivered solid results since 2007, but the major societal and technological changes in this period demand now to consider drawing up a New Agenda.
10:45 Policy framework.  The original Agenda set out three overarching objectives, the promotion of 1) cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, 2) culture as a catalyst of creativity, 3) culture as a vital element of external relations
Based on your general assessment of its impact including on your organization, and on the structure of your sector:  To what extent are these objectives still relevant? What would you do differently? Which new or emerging issues should be addressed as a priority?
11:15  European added value.  The original Agenda was intended to add value to culture policy-making and actions at national/regional/local level.  
In which areas below should the New Agenda add more value?

collaboration: among Member States (governments)?  between culture Ministries and other departments, eg education, health, foreign affairs, social affairs? among national/regional/local authorities? among stakeholders? between stakeholders and government authorities?

culture policymaking and programming: informing and supporting in existing areas; informing and inspiring in new areas?

 implementation and evaluation of policies and actions?

 12:00 Working methods. The original Agenda set out two main working methodes:
– structured dialogue with the cultural sector (currently via the Voices of Culture initiative and the biannual European Culture Forum)
– open method of coordination („OMC”) cooperation among Member State governments.
The main focus for this meeting is the structured dialogue. All European/international organisations participating in Voices of Culture since 2015 have been invited.  And most participants’ organizations will have been represented at the European Culture Forum. 

How could the Voices of Culture initiative be more useful for you personally/your organization/ sector?

(Consider: choice of topics covered; selection of participants; format of brainstorming and dialogue meetings; links with other processes (particularly OMC)?)

How could the Culture Forum be more useful for you personally/your organization/your sector?

(Consider: format, themes, participation, outcomes, link to policy/programme processes)

12:45  Lunch
Część II 
 13:45  Key actors.  Key actors in the current Agenda are Member States’ government officials (from culture ministries/agencies/institutes), representatives from the cultural and creative sectors (including European networks funded under Creative Europe), in cooperation with the European Commission.  International organisations are also referenced (UNESCO, Council of Europe).
 Would it be useful for other types of stakeholder to participate? If so how?

(Consider: other (non-culture) government departments or agencies; regional/local authorities; research institutions; other  (non-culture) civil society orgs…?)

 14:15  Strengthening policy-programme links.
Should more be done to strengthen links between EU-funded project outcomes (under Creative Europe or other EU programmes and their successors) and culture policy collaboration?  If so, how?
14:45 Sector-specific work/themes.  To date, EU collaboration under the Agenda for Culture has tended not to address individual cultural or creative sectors – with the clear exceptions of heritage and film, and arguably publishing/literature (OMC subgroup). 
Would it be useful to have more sector-specific work/themes in future? If so, which sector(s)/theme(s) would be most important in the next 2-5 years,  and of clear added value to consider at EU level?
15:15 Your top priority for the New European Agenda for Culture.
If you could emphasise or change just one aspect of current EU policy collaboration on culture, what would it be?
15:40 Remarks by Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.
Reflecting on the day’s discussions and the political context.
16:00 Next steps.  How your input from today will be used. How you can provide more input in writing (via online survey – details and deadline). What happens next.
16:30 End of meeting



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